In the beginning was passion
The passion for good whisky. Master builder Albert Ebensperger discovered this during a sommelier course in the 90s. He planned and pondered for years and in 2010 laid the foundation stone for Italy’s first whisky distillery in Glurns: The PUNI DISTILLERY.
Since then, the passion for whisky has united the whole Ebensperger family
The PUNI distillery takes its name from the Puni River, which flows through the Upper Vinschgau Valley. The Rhaetian name is a reference to the region.
It took two years to build the production facility – the PUNI cube, whose centrepiece is the handcrafted copper stills. The result is a very unusual building with an eye-catching structure. A real trademark.
The first Italian whisky was produced in spring 2012. It took a little more than three years until it was matured in barrels and could be bottled. By using different barrels, different flavours were created.
Exceptional whisky varieties
PUNI NOVA matured in former bourbon casks and received its finishing in European oak casks. The result is a light and fruity whisky, perfect for summer days.
PUNI ALBA was matured for two years in old Marsala casks and then in old peated casks. It tastes darker and peatier and is the ideal whisky for a cosy evening by the fire.
In the meantime, the PUNI DISTILLERY range has grown further. Barley varieties from Bavaria, Great Britain and Sicily are used.
In our H&H shop you can also get PUNI GOLD, for example, which reflects the classic style of Italian malt whisky. Also PUNI VINA and PUNI SOLE.
Soon we will tell you a bit more about the PUNI production.
Until then, let’s raise a glass!

The copyright of all images is held by PUNI Destillerie GmbH.