It can’t be missing from our barbecue: The traditional South Tyrolean coleslaw. The nice thing is that you can also vary it. With fine carrot strips, for example. Or with South Tyrolean bacon.
But first, here is the basic recipe for South Tyrolean coleslaw for four servings:
You need the following ingredients:
500 g white cabbage
freshly ground pepper
White wine vinegar
Sunflower oil
First remove the outer leaves of the white cabbage, quarter it, cut out the stalk and cut or slice it into very fine strips. Put these in a large bowl and sprinkle with a little salt, then knead them with your hands until juice comes out of the cabbage strips. Now squeeze the cabbage well and pour off the juice. Season the now very soft cabbage strips with pepper, cumin, vinegar and oil until the cabbage salad has the right taste for you.
Finally, allow the coleslaw to infuse for about 30 to 60 minutes before serving.
We like to sprinkle a few finely sliced spring onions on top.
A very popular variation is coleslaw refined with South Tyrolean bacon. To do this, dice some bacon very finely and put some oil in a pan. Fry the bacon cubes until crispy. Depending on your taste, you can also add a few juniper berries. Deglaze with a sip of white wine vinegar and let it boil down briefly before pouring it hot over the coleslaw. Mix well and let it stand for a short while.
An Guatn!