Almost everyone who has ever spent a winter vacation in South Tyrol or in the Alps has had the pleasure of Bombardino. There is hardly anything better after a day on skis or an extended walk through the snow to warm up again.
We’ll tell you how to make a delicious Bombardino at home in just a few minutes.
For four glasses you need the following ingredients:
400 ml hot milk
80 ml Brandy
160 ml Egg liqueur
100 ml Whipped cream (whipped)
Star anise and cinnamon sticks for decoration
Mix the hot milk with the brandy and the egg liqueur and stir everything together well. Now, divide the mixture among four glasses and top each with a good dollop of the whipped cream.
Add the cinnamon stick and star anise and your Bombardino is ready.
There is the Bombardino also ready to buy in the bottle. Pour the mixture (1/3) with hot milk or coffee (2/3).
By the way, the Bombardino has its name for two reasons. On the one hand, because of the enormous effect of the mixture of brandy and eggnog but also because of the many calories that this “bomb” brings with it.
But it also tastes bombastic!