The ringing of bells accompanies you in Sterzing all year round. But never do bells sound so sweet and soothing as at Christmas. It may be the special mood that the most beautiful festival of the year conveys to us, perhaps it is the beautiful memories that we associate with it. There is something magical about Christmas bells, something sentimental – something Christmassy.
Sterzing is filled with the sound of bells all year round. From the dull, meek sound of the church bell to the bright, excited tinkling of small animal bells – all bells always have something to tell us. This is precisely why Christmas in Sterzing this year is themed “Bell Christmas”, as the melodious sound of the Christmas bells speaks to us especially at this time of year.
Snow covers Sterzing and the mountain peaks around the northernmost town in South Tyrol. Fairy lights bathe the streets of the Alpine town in warm light as night falls. During Advent, there is a different rhythm in South Tyrol, a different, auspicious atmosphere in which we reflect on special traditions and customs.
Self-tied Advent wreaths and decorations adorn apartments, houses and stores. The sweet smell of freshly baked “Spitzbuam”, “Zelten” or “Stollen” rises into the air with the crackling of the fireplaces. And the children have fun making Christmas tree decorations, filled with the anticipation of the Merry Christmas.
The Christmas Market at the Sterzing Bell Christmas
During this period, the original South Tyrolean Christmas markets, which include the Vipiteno Bell Christmas, welcome us with Christmas melodies and warming mulled wine and draw our attention to regional handicrafts and quality products that particularly distinguish South Tyrol.
The Christmas Market Vipiteno is open for you from 26 November to 6 January at the following times:
- Daily from 10:00 – 19:00 hrs.
- December from 10:00 – 13:00 o’clock
- December the Christmas Market is closed
- December from 10:00 – 17:00 o’clock
- January from 13:00 – 19:00 o’clock
You can discover the extensive program of the Sterzinger Glockenweihnacht here.
This year we are sure to be enchanted by the bell magic of the Sterzing Bell Christmas.